I want to send out a special thanks to my daughter, Cathleen Elliott, who just finished a haunting book cover for Cooper's Moon. It is the perfect addition to this web site. With Ryan as the designer of the web site and Cathleen as the book cover designer, this site is truly a family project. Add in my wife, Karyn, my muse and constant support in all things, and the site is coming together. I was happy that Tris Coburn (my agent) thought that it was "fabulous!" Thanks, Tris!
The new book cover should be up in several days. Check it out and let us know what you think of it! You can comment below. I am looking forward to sharing it with you. Connie
Scott Nelson
1/8/2012 10:11:55 am
A fantastic book! I haven't read such an engrossing detective novel in a long, long time. I eagerly anticipate the second installment in the series.
1/8/2012 01:52:41 pm
You are too kind! Thanks, Scott! I am writing away on the second. I will look forward to what you think! Connie
1/8/2012 02:03:22 pm
And all the best to the fam in CA! Much love.
1/8/2012 02:04:29 pm
Cathleen's book cover is brilliant. Lucky are we to have such a talented book designer as a daughter. I feel inspired when I look at it because it feels like a jigsaw puzzle in art. First my eyes follow the smoke around Cooper's face which is covered in mangroves and darkness and then that same smoke swings around to the moon to provide a haunting sense of forboding. And then a juxtaposition --a muted light accentuates the child running to ? or from? the house ? or someone? All a blur in Cooper's mind. And the baseball -- at the forefront of the yard and in Cooper's memory. Knowing the novel, I can see that this cover is right on target.
1/11/2012 10:00:00 am
If your books are as fabulous as this website and the book cover, I can't wait to read them!!
1/11/2012 10:02:32 am
Thanks for the feedback, Jane! Thanks go to the web designer (Ryan), the book designer (Cathleen) and to my wife, muse and marketer!
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